Citrix Blogs

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XenApp 6

XenApp 6 is here, built from scratch for Microsoft's Windows 2008 R2 64-bit platform. Find out about the new features from App-V integration, HDX improvements to slick installation based in roles.

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XenDesktop Editions

XenDesktop has slimmed down in it's version 4.0 release from the previous 5 editions, now down to just 3 editions. But does it still deliver on what it promises?

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VM Hosted Apps

VM Hosted Apps functionality is new and has been introduced in Citrix XenApp 5.0 Feature Pack 2 (FP2), allowing applications installed on non XenApp machines to be accessed remotely.

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Citrix XenDesktop Licensing Changes

Citrix XenDesktop 4.0 introduces a number of licensing changes since the last version of Citrix's flagship desktop and application delivery suite.

The previous version, Citrix XenDesktop 3.0 provided a concurrent licensing approach, in line with other products from Citrix such as their XenApp offering. The new version introduces per user and per device licensing options.

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Citrix XenDesktop Flexcast

FlexCast removes the restrictions on how applications and desktops can be delivered. So whilst previously XenApp applications could only be delivered as part of the XenDesktop Virtual Desktop, now they can be delivered directly to the user's local desktop without any need to purchase separate XenApp licenses on top of the XenDesktop licenses.

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